Saturday, February 15, 2020

Cost of the 1 mill park levy

Historically, Russell citizens have valued our green space by supporting township parks with a 1 mill levy. The levy on the ballot on March 17 essentially replaces the former levy, which expired 2 years ago. The current levy will cost $35 annually for each $100,000 in assessed value of our homes.


  1. If you're so concerned with raising money, sell the ridiculous Modroo Farm land that is entirely unsuitable for parkland. Such a sale should provide more than enough funding for the far foreseeable future.

    Also, if the Gallo Property you're seeking to waste more taxpayer funds on is so precious, then why isn't the Geauga Park District pursuing it, especially is it's adjacent to the West Woods Park?

  2. A culvert just went in at Modroo Farm, and as soon as the weather permits, a small parking lot will be built and a trail mowed. I hope we'll all be able to walk there this summer.

    I do not know why Geauga Park District did not want to buy the Gallo Property. The last 2 properties they bought were owned by friends or neighbors of park commissioners, so maybe that has something to do with the choices they make about which properties they buy. I can't know because they make their decisions about what properties to buy in secret executive sessions. There is no transparency in these decisions.

    Western Reserve Land Conservancy brought the Gallo Property deal to the Citizens Park Board and has facilitated the negotiations and the grant application, so the Land Conservancy sees this property as worthy of preservation. I haven't seen the property, but I can see on the map that Silver Creek runs through it, and I hear it's beautiful. Certainly, if the Citizens Park District receives the Ohio Clean Water Grant it has applied for, which will pay 3/4 of the purchase price, it will then be fair to assume that the State of Ohio agrees that the Gallo Property is indeed worth preserving.
